Kevin got in the squash this week….he planted zucchini, spaghetti squash, butternut squash, cashaw, and pie pumpkins. I have lots of new pickle recipes that I want to try with the summer squash, as well as the usual and traditional quick breads and baked squash.
He’s also busy rebuilding our wooden tomato cages. We’ve been using these things for years, and they have just about given up in being useful after so many years in the weather. Good news, though, is Kev found an idea using old cattle panels and bending them into tomato cages. He’s getting to them as he can, but when they’re all done, we won’t need to worry about rebuilding any cages for a long time!
I kept busy weeding the peas and cucumbers, and then we put up the pickle fence for the cukes to grow up. Really does make picking cucumbers that much easier…and less back breaking!
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