I looked at a lot of recipes on Pinterest, but I decided on the one I found at sbcanning.com. I’ve tried several recipes from this site, so I knew this would be a good one too. The recipe makes 1 quart jar (enough for 1 pie), so you can double/triple it depending on how much fruit you have.
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Filling
2-1/2 cups rhubarb, diced
2-1/2 cups strawberries, sliced
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup Clear Jel
1 cup water
4 tablespoons bottled lemon juice
Fill a stainless steel or Dutch oven with water, and blanch the diced rhubarb in boiling water for 1 minute. Drain but keep the heated fruit in a covered bowl or pot.
Combine the sugar, Clear Jel, and water in a pot, stirring on medium heat until mixture thickens and begins to bubble. Add lemon juice, and boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
Fold in drained rhubarb and strawberries, and fill 1 quart jar with mixture, leaving 1-1/2-inch headspace.
Remove air bubbles, and adjust headspace if needed. Wipe rims of jars. Adjust hot lids/rings, and process in a boiling water bath canner for 30 minutes at a full rolling boil.
Visit Canning and Cooking Iowa Style’s profile on Pinterest.
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We received a quart jar of strawberry rhubarb pie filling last year for Christmas. It has been in the back
of the cupboard since that time. Can it be used to bake a pie this Christmas?
Yes, you can use it. Generally, I keep canned goods for 3 years before I discard them to make room for new canning (either we didn’t like something or I made too much). Some people keep them indefinitely as long as the seal is intact. I’d say make the pie and enjoy!